Information For Librarians



We encourage research librarians to list this journal among their library's electronic journal holdings.

Sequence of Publication – 2011 to 2019
Based on the publishing year, for example 2011 (1) 1, 2012 (2) 1 and so on.

Sequence of Publication – 2021 onwards
Based on volume number, for example 2021 (10) 1, 2022 (11) 1 and so on.
The publication of Volume 10 was postponed in 2020 (due to the regulations introduced by the Victorian Government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic). Therefore, to maintain continuity VULJ has opted to sequence the journal by volume number rather than the year.

List of Volumes

DICTUM – Victoria Law School Journal, 2011 (1) 1.
DICTUM – Victoria Law School Journal, 2012 (2) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2013 (3) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2014 (4) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2015 (5) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2016 (6) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2017 (7) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2018 (8) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2019 (9) 1.
Victoria Law and Justice Journal, 2021 (10) 1.

A note about the Online and Print editions
There are differences between the text and the pagination in the print and the online versions of DICTUM – Victoria Law School Journal / Victoria Law and Justice Journal. To ensure the accuracy of the text, title, author names and pagination of articles, readers of the print edition and readers who accessed articles online before April 2022, are recommended to consult the journal's website ( to find the most up-to-date version of the materials they wish to read or cite.